Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Fishing This Week

Didn't fish a whole lot this last week or so but yesterday and today were great!

Yesterday we took the boat out after raising the motor by 6 inches. We are really loving it! Much less hassle and even runs better!Now we just need a fish finder and we will be all set!

Caught a few bluegills (or bream (pronounced like brim) as they are known around here) but had a real nice afternoon and evening.

Boat fishing rocks!!!

Just another day at the office!!!!

And this was last nights sunset view:

And tonight we fished from our favorite dock corner. Caught a few nice bluegills again.

Here is one of them:

And the official fish kiss:

And once again, another gorgeous sunset!

I tell ya, this retirement is nothing short of AWESOME.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Fishing on Lake Stella

We have been doing a lot of fishing lately. Some days good, some not so good. Been fishing from the dock and the new boat. Both of us are getting really tan too. Here are some pics of our recent fishing expeditions:

First here are some of the beautiful sunsets we are treated to almost daily

And we have spoiled the area birds from feeding them hot dogs...They flock to the dock whenever we arrive for their daily rations LOL

And here is our new boat and some pics of us fishing from it:

And then there's MY fish that I caught LOL!!!!!!!

He was much bigger than he looks here because he had his tail flopped up in this pic! What fun he was to catch!

So we have been having lots of fun snaggin fish down here in Florida!!!! Will have more to post about soon I'm sure!

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Fishing is back on!!!!!!!!

Fishing has been pretty slow for the last month or so. The water got cold and all the fish went deep so, without a fishing :-(

But the last week has been gorgeous and warm here so last week we took a ride on the scooter over to the lake and noticed all the small bait fish are back by the docks. Bait fish in the area means BIG fish are too. So we have been fishing again this week...yayyyyyyyyyyyyyyy....and have been catching some monster bluegills!!!!

Believe it or not we have been using cheap Save-A-Lot hotdogs for bait and the bluegill and catfish LOVE them. Bobby and I have been catching BIG bluegill and I caught a really nice catfish a couple nights ago. I keep forgetting to take the camera but will try and remember it so I can get ya'll some pics.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Honeymoon Fishing Trip - Day 7

Sadly this is our last day at the fishing resort. We have had such a good time here and would like to send out a big thank you to our hosts Clint and Billie Jo as well as the park mascots Tater Tot and LuLu who have kept us in doggie kisses this week!

I am finally feeling quite a bit better tonight (man this cold kicked my butt for a couple of days there). Gonna hit the docks once more this evening and then get packed up to head back to Daytona Beach in the morning. We are planning to go early enough to dip a toe in the ocean before returning our rental car and checking in for the flights back home.

Located a great little 2 bedroom apartment here in Crescent City and hope it will still be available in a couple weeks so we can hold it until we move down here. We both love it here and the move is inevitable. Have a LOT of downsizing to do and so much to accomplish when we get back home but we can't wait to get back here!!!!!

Next post will be from home and we will add a few more pics and videos when we have a better internet connection.

Love from Florida!

Friday, July 16, 2010

Honeymoon Fishing Trip - Day 6

Not much to post about again today. I got up and fished for about an hour this morning. We caught a couple of catfish and I got to feeling lousy so I came back to our room and Bobby stayed fishing for a bit alone. He came back to the room and said it wasn't the same fishing without me (isn't he soooooo sweet?) so he made a trip over to the realtors office to check on rentals in the area. Found a cute little 2 bedroom apartment really cheap that we are hoping we can hold until we can get ready to move here. Then he came back to hang with his sickly wife and wait on me hand and foot. Sent him to the store for some chicken noodle soup and it seems to be doing the trick. Starting to feel a little better. Hopefully I will feel like a full day of fishing tomorrow since it's our last fishing day. Can't believe how fast a week can go by. Wow!

Sunday we plan to head back to Daytona Beach early so we can run down to the beach and dip a toe in the ocean before our flight home. Looking forward to that! I will post again tomorrow night before we wrap things up here. Night all!

Honeymoon Fishing Trip - Day 5

Sorry for the late post but I came down with a nasty cold and cough and have been under the weather. Not a lot to post about anyway. We are still having a wonderful time. Still catching big bluegills and some catfish. The weather has been wonderful (nice in the morning, warming up in the afternoon bringing a nice short little thunderstorm followed by a lovely evening). Today's thunderstorm produced a really cool sky. Here's a couple of pics.

Also thought I would show you the Florida version of nightcrawlers LOL. Hard to believe these big ole fish hit like crazy on these things. Makes me wonder what they would do on some huge nightcrawlers like we use back home.

These things are extremely tough though and so squirmy it's not funny! So we did a little more fishing, ate some supper and bedtime once again. Boy is this time going fast!

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Honeymoon Fishing Trip - Day 4

Not much happened today. We kind of slept in (until 7:30) and didn't hit the fishing hole until like 8:30. Nothing much biting today. Caught a couple medium sized catfish and a couple bluegills but smaller ones.

Went on a Churches chicken and boiled peanuts run again. Yum. Came back and took a nap. Tried a little more fishing but it was pretty hot and still not much biting although we did get to see an otter pop his head up and look at us for a minute. The wildlife around this lake is nothing short of AMAZING! We headed back for the air conditioning, shower and supper. Took another short nap and tried again around 8 tonight. Bobby caught another little bluegill but we were really fishing for bass and none were hitting anything we threw at them and a storm was coming up so we called it a night. We are really having a wonderful time!

Sorry no new pics today! Hopefully tomorrow will be another good fishing day. See ya then!